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In the early 90s, some of the close friends of Professor Dr. Abul Hossen Ahmed Kamal thought of forming a social development and research organization. For that purpose, he started the activities of the organization along with his friend Dr. Mahbubullah Dr. Wahid Uddin Mahmud Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, MA Malek and Rownak Ahmed. They were associated as founding members of this organization.

Centre for Advanced Research and Social Action (CARSA) is a non-profit, non-political and non-government community based organization, was established in 1995 by a group of renowned educationists, economists, social workers and a small group of young volunteers from the rural areas of southern Bangladesh.

Now, CARSA is a national NGO, has been working in implementing different humanitarian social development projects and microcredit programs in 5 districts, 17upazillas, 124 unions and 674 villages with 19 branch offices including project offices across the country for the last 28 years. The major programs focused on training, microcredit operation, formal and non-formal education, health and nutrition, Water supply and sanitation, Disaster management and climate change, women and child development, food security and livelihood programs.


Total Employees


Branch Offices


Working Districts


Direct Beneficiaries


Program Partner of PKSF!

CARSA received a certificate from the Microcredit Regulatory Authority in 2008 to operate microcredit operations with No 00826-00499-00221.

Since 1998, CARSA has been involved as an affiliate of PKSF. It may be noted that until now CARSA has been operating as a program partner of PKSF.